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Disability Insurance

Individual Disability Insurance for Physicians and Dentists

HSAC specializes in disability insurance for Medical and Dental Students, Residents, and Professionals. If you are transitioning to residency or stepping into the workforce, we will educate you about your options. The good news is that you have options, and we can help direct you to the best choices for your specific needs. We work with the best carriers in the industry to provide a plan specific to your needs that will follow you through the life of your career. Hopefully, you will never have to use your plan, but in the instance that you do, we are here for you! You have many choices regarding disability insurance, so it’s essential to have a knowledgeable partner to help navigate your options. While some brokers work with many fields, we specialize in Medical Health and Dental Students and have a comprehensive understanding of scenarios you may face in the future. Your individual needs are important to us. We form a bond tested through years of relationship. We celebrate your successes with you and help make the adjustments when necessary. We have over two decades of experience in the industry, and you will benefit from the knowledge we have gained.

Group Disability Plans

Group disability insurance programs can be a considerable advantage to students while finishing their schooling and residency. This option can cover a student from total loss while carrying student debt but not yet earning income. Some options even convert for students who are stepping into the workforce but may not qualify for coverage. It is vital to make sure you are working with a knowledgeable broker when exploring your institution’s benefits. Not all brokers are created equal. HSAC has over two decades worth of relationships with the top carriers in the US. We determine the needs of your institution and find the best carrier for your students. We pride ourselves in educating students about disability choices, so they not only make the best decision today but for their future after graduation. In the unfortunate event you have a student that has an injury or suddenly becomes disabled, we will assist. We come alongside and help the individual through the process.